
Barack Obama - Printable Lessons

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Yes, the inauguration has passed, but it is not too late for your students to know a bit of information about our new President. After all, this was a very historical event, therefore focus should be given to it within the classroom. For my students, I created a Barack Obama packet on the day of the inauguration. It consisted of a cover sheet, which was a coloring sheet of President Obama, a word search of Barack Obama, a reading comprehension section, a cause and effect activity sheet of Obama happenings and a matching of important facts related to Barack Obama or the election. Of course, you can add to the packet if you have other fun activity sheets. Also, if you have ideas of your own, don't forget to share those under the comment section. If you are looking for more fun, try this Barack Obama bingo game. I actually ended up using this for in-door recess on a cold day. Instead of calling out BINGO, I had them say, "BARACKO!" The kids loved it!
Although I did not use this Obama packet, teachers of younger students might benefit from it.

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